Tuesday, December 7, 2021

I've finished all my revisions to the manuscript and I've started working on the cover art! I've been posting updates to the cover art on my Facebook page if you want to follow along there, but I'll also post them all in a work-in-progress gallery here once it's done. (Right now I am trying to figure out how to get robot line art to look smooth and clean, argh, I'm bad at mechanical illustration so I make myself do it a lot.)

Anyway, once I finish the cover art, all that's left is the ebook and paperback formatting which doesn't take long at all, and then it'll be ready to submit to Kindle! So, you can expect the book to be out in the next 2-3 weeks!

I'm very excited to finally get this novel out and share it with everybody. I appreciate your patience while I worked through the editing situation, but I think it ultimately worked out for the best as I had a lot going on these past few months.

Get ready for giant robot fights, astrophysics geekery, and plenty of Canada jokes!

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