Thursday, September 19, 2024

 Here's an old character design that I'm still rather fond of. 

This character, a shadow dragon who can assume a human form, has a long design history that stretches all the way back to high school, where I drew a short manga (I won't post it here because it's eye-burningly lame) about three dragon brothers (who could also turn into humans) who defeated a shadow dragon who was threatening the city, and then they all went out to lunch for some reason. Their conversation vaguely alluded to something having happened to the other shadow dragons, and then the dragon girl ran off in a bout of mysterious teen angst (requisite for manga)... and that was really as far as I got with the storyline. I think later I also threw in some stuff about dragon hunters threatening the dragons, and this character's sister secretly working with the hunters to destroy her own people for some unclear reason, but it never really got anywhere coherent. Boy was I bad at story development back then. (Her dragon form was pretty unique though, basically a large theropod with raven wings.)

Some years later, I retooled and rebooted the whole concept into a historical fantasy that takes place during the Middle Ages, where this character is a spunky young Persian dragon with a djinn companion, and the two of them must travel to hopelessly backwards Europe to find other dragons who have been masquerading as humans and enlist their help with a problem that threatens all dragonkind. It's a story I'm still working on fleshing out. Should be fun, but I've got other novel ideas to work through first.

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